uATerminal is a derivative of the commercial software uAccess (you-access).
uAccess is a full UUCP suite for the Macintosh, providing it with full UNIX file transfer capabilities, as well as the ability for UNIX mail and USENET news. Included with the communications features is a complete Macintosh environment for reading and managing mail and news.
One of the many features of uAccess was that it utilized the CTB (Apple's new Communications Manager) and with that provided a terminal emulation window. Because I grew up on USENET, and for many years benefited from the wonderful sharing of wisdom and code, I felt that ICE should give something back to USENET for having had the opportunity to profit from a product for USENET. Thus, we peeled out the terminal emulator and file conversion peices of uAccess and created uATerminal (uaTerm for short). This is our small effort to contribute.
Now on to fun stuff!
To install uATerminal, you need to accomplish 3 things.
1) Install the Communications Toolbox on the hard disk you bott from.
2) Install the Communications Toolbox Tools in the System Folder of your boot disk.
3) Install the uATerminal application (and optionally preference file).
(1) - Install the CTB
If you are running System 7, you are done.
If you are running System 6, then you need to run the CTB Installation program. To do this you must find the "CTB Installation" floppy. Boot your computer using the CTB Installation floppy and double click on the "Installer Script" document on the floppy. This will launch the Installer application. Once the Installer is running, select the hard drive you boot from as the drive to install on, and click the Easy Install button. When the installation is complete reboot from your hard disk. When you reboot, you will see a new icon in the lower left corner of your screen when the system boots. It will look like a little box with a hammer coming out of it. If you do not see this icon, then the installation was not successful (System 7 does not display this icon).
(2) - Install the CTB Tools
With either System 7 or System 6, you must copy several CTB Tools onto your boot drive for the CTB to function properly. The CTB itself does not do any communications, but only provides a framework for the tools to perform the necessary communications functions. Thus the CTB is like a hude press, but you need the die to stamp out a part. The CTB Tools are the dies that are placed in the CTB press.
To install the CTB tools, you will need to obtain the tool files. The CTB Tools have files that look like little puzzle peices. There are tools named "Serial Tool", "Apple Modem Tool", "XMODEM Tool", "vt102 Tool" and many others. You must copy the tool files into a folder in the System Folder of the hard drive that you installed the CTB onto.
Under System 7, the tool files go into the Extensions folder located inside the System Folder. Under System 6, the tool files go into the Communications Folder folder located inside the System Folder.
If you get errors at the start of uATerminal that say things like "Error #8 initializing the terminal manager.", then you do not have any terminal tools installed (like the vt102 Tool). Likewise, if you get an error #8 concerning the communications manager, then you need to install a communication tool. You need at least one of each of the three types of tools to run uATerminal - Communication Tool (e.g., Apple Modem Tool), Transfer Tool (e.g., XMODEM Tool), and a Terminal Tool (e.g., vt102 Tool).
(3) - Install the uATerminal application
Simple. Create a folder and name it something like uATerminal. Copy the uATerminal application into this folder. You are done.
Optionally, you might install the uATerminal Preferences file that came with the application. This will have some defaults that may make life easier for you. For System 7 users, copy the uATerminal Preferences file into the Preferences folder in the System Folder. For System 6 users, copy the uATerminal Preferences file into the System Folder.
Congratulations! You are ready to begin.
At this point, you will be able to launch and use uATerminal. However, you must configure at least three items before uATerminal will function properly. You must configure the Connection, the Transfer, and the Terminal.
To configure the Connection, simply launch uATerminal and select the Connection item from the Configure menu. This will display the standard CTB Configuration dialog box. Select the Tool that you wish to use via the popup menu at the top of the dialog. Configure the Tool's items in the dialog and click OK.
In order to configure the Terminal or the Transfer, you must first open the connection and the terminal window. To do this, select the Open Terminal command from the Terminal menu, or click on the terminal window icon in the floating icon palette. Once the terminal window is open the Transfer and Terminal items in the Configure menu will become active. Select both items and configure the appropriate tools.
Now you are up and running.
The dialer configuration is a uAccess carry-over and should be ignored.
The hangup configuration should be set to "CTB Based" for all cases except Serial Tool connections in which you do not want to use the DTR line drop to hangup the modem. The log level determines the degree of messages logged, and can be increased to help determine problems. The Text Window configuration determines the characteristics of text windows. The Preferences dialog set several simple options regarding feedback and windows.
This software is freely redistributable. You may use this software for any purpose except resale or commercial gain. The uATerminal software is Copyright 1989-91 By ICE Engineering, Inc. and all rights are reserved. uATerminal was written by Tim Endres.